Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Work, work, work...

Seems like that's all I do these days!!! I've been given a promotion, that feels like I've taken on the entire company! They just released my old boss to a new position, and hired a new guy, who apparently thinks that his job is to delegate work to others!! So, for all practical purposes, I am the new chief pilot. Haha! Anyway, I much prefer being busy than just sitting here doing nothing all day. Makes the day go by much faster.

Mother's Day was cool! I got a pool, set it up and six hours later, we were swimming! Rylan spent the whole afternoon in that sucker Sunday (with sunblock of course). I've never seen him so happy / worn out at the same time! I can't believe I finally found something to disperse his energy!! It really works! Emma is also great. She is now standing on her own, and will happily play patti cake with you and clap for you. She says "BYYYYYYE BYE" in the sweetest voice you can possibly imagine and she also says "Mom and DADDY". She is such a sweetie pie!!!! I am so glad that my kids get along so well. You should see Rylan taking care of his sister, he absolutely adores her and EVERYTHING he does is funny to Emma. He talks to her, plays with her, entertains her and they absolutely love it! Not to mention the dog, Clifford. Emma adores him, he makes her laugh and laugh. Speaking of dogs, my Australian Shepherd had EIGHT puppies, seven of which we managed to save. She is a great mother, I couldn't get over the way she cared for them, like she was a veteran, and it was her first litter! Anyway, now I have 7 puppies to give away. They are pure breed, beautiful but I just don't want the hassle of selling them.

Anyhoo, hope you all reading this have a WONDERFUL day. And here are a few pics for your entertainment.


Jamie said...

OMG your kids are just adorable!! Congrats on the promotion at work.