Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Not the blues, the blahs....

I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I'm just not in to anything. I'm not depressed, just blah. I know I shouldn't complain, life could be so much worse as they always say. But, at this point, its like when do I get a break??? If its not money, its family. If its not that, its illness. I just don't know, I know no ones life is perfect by any means, but why on Earth can't mine just be a little closer to perfect. Thank God for my children, otherwise I don't know what I would do. Just wanted to vent a little.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Thumbsucking Baby...

This is just the funniest thing EVER! Emma Claire, only sucks her thumb when she's tired, so I thought. It seems as though she has developed an association between her blanky and her thumb. Every time I give her her blanket, whether or not she's tired or playing, she sticks the thumb in her mouth. One minute, she is fine, the next, thumbsucking away!!! Its too cute!!! But, not like its a pacifier. I easily took that paci away from Rylan. How the hell can I take her thumb away, cut it off???? Haha!! Anyway, she only sucks it when she's tired or has her blanket, so its not a big deal YET.

I ate supper at 9:00 last night, woke up looking like a freaking blowfish. I have GOT to get off my ass. Only 10 pounds to go, but 10 is still 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And all the men out there, should take a lesson from my son

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Just another day.....

Of eating like a freaking pig!! I don't know what's wrong with me, it seems I have ZERO willpower. They come to work with bread pudding, I eat it. They came today with brownies, I ate at least 5. Then, they come with Chicken Scallapini, and I eat a bowl big enough for an army!! And I wonder why I can't lose my last freaking 10 pounds. I always have an excuse for not exercising. Kids, work, yada yada. I know I can do it in the afternoons, or the mornings, I just can't get motivated. Monday, I swear, Monday I will start the diet and exercise crap!!!!!!!! You all will be my witnesses! I WILL wear my old clothes by summer time. Did I mention, I am wearing 5 pairs of pants that I wore pre pregnancy, so THAT alone is a perk :) Well, that's all I have right now.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


As per your request!!!

OK, this is new......

WELL, I'm a virgin blogger. Its not something I've ever done before but I figure what the hey, can't hurt!!!! So, its a typical week in my household, get home, rush supper, get the kiddos fed, yada yada yada. Emma's a trip lately, she is miserable outside with the freaking allergies, but she LOVES it outdoors. I've found a great babysitter though. I stick her inside Rylan's trampline, zip that sucker up and she's in heaven. She'll sit on her chunky but and sing "dinga dinga ding" while trying to bounces. She now looks at me and says "DAAAAADY" and crawls around advertising that she is bad bad bad. I keep her dressy right now, b/c I know she won't be the dressy kind of girl when she gets older!

Rylan is also great, he'll be starting preschool in August. I can't BELIEVE I'll have a child in school, where the hell did my 20's go??? Anyway, its a great day, great life, just great great great. Until later.....Have a great one!