Monday, June 30, 2008


So, we had a pretty decent weekend. Saturday, we travelled 211 miles (without the kids, YIPEE) to go to my boss's camp in Toledo Bend. We actually had a really good time. The place is SUPER nice, we had our own room , big ass TV, a huge warf, party barge, fishing poles and all the birds and relaxing you want. So, we got a speeding ticket on the way there, but I can fix that, I still have connections, since quitting the Sheriff's Office about 4 years ago. I was a cop for 7 years, did you know that? ANYWAY, it was a funfilled day, drinking beer and relaxing :) But yesterday, when we got home, it was back to normal. I missed my babies :) Emma was glad to see me, she actually took like 5 steps towards me. Go Emma!!! After putting the kids down for naps, at 2:00 I began to doze off but was awakened by my entire house rattling and shaking. I looked outside at the gale force winds, thinking that the weather dude forgot to tell me about this hurricane!! My trampoline was in a tree. Another tree was in my brand spanking new fence, and branches were everywhere. Scary. But, no one was hurt, we've survived worse and I'm sure will get much worse this year. Anyway, hope you all had a good one. It'll be a busy week, Birthday party Thursday, Birthday Party Saturday. Woo HOO!


Stacey Cannon said...

I'm sooooo glad that you had such a great time!!! Holy crap that is a big ole storm you got! Glad you guys made it thru with little damage!!! LOVE YA!!!!

Melissa said...

I wanna know who this "we" is???

Glad you had a good time!

Jenny B said...

I'm with Melissa! Who's "we"?

And I had no idea you were a cop! You're so tiny!