Thursday, April 10, 2008

Just another day.....

Of eating like a freaking pig!! I don't know what's wrong with me, it seems I have ZERO willpower. They come to work with bread pudding, I eat it. They came today with brownies, I ate at least 5. Then, they come with Chicken Scallapini, and I eat a bowl big enough for an army!! And I wonder why I can't lose my last freaking 10 pounds. I always have an excuse for not exercising. Kids, work, yada yada. I know I can do it in the afternoons, or the mornings, I just can't get motivated. Monday, I swear, Monday I will start the diet and exercise crap!!!!!!!! You all will be my witnesses! I WILL wear my old clothes by summer time. Did I mention, I am wearing 5 pairs of pants that I wore pre pregnancy, so THAT alone is a perk :) Well, that's all I have right now.