Wednesday, April 9, 2008

OK, this is new......

WELL, I'm a virgin blogger. Its not something I've ever done before but I figure what the hey, can't hurt!!!! So, its a typical week in my household, get home, rush supper, get the kiddos fed, yada yada yada. Emma's a trip lately, she is miserable outside with the freaking allergies, but she LOVES it outdoors. I've found a great babysitter though. I stick her inside Rylan's trampline, zip that sucker up and she's in heaven. She'll sit on her chunky but and sing "dinga dinga ding" while trying to bounces. She now looks at me and says "DAAAAADY" and crawls around advertising that she is bad bad bad. I keep her dressy right now, b/c I know she won't be the dressy kind of girl when she gets older!

Rylan is also great, he'll be starting preschool in August. I can't BELIEVE I'll have a child in school, where the hell did my 20's go??? Anyway, its a great day, great life, just great great great. Until later.....Have a great one!


Stacey Cannon said...

YEAAA!!! Glad to see ya joined us on here!!! :) Your babies are beautiful!!!! POST MORE PICS FOR ME!!! ;)